Dosbarth Oren - Mr Wyatt
Croeso i Dosbarth Oren
Here is some useful information on what your child will cover this year.
Topics this year are:
Autumn: Time Traveller
Spring: Allotment
Summer: Scream Machine
School Rules
Be the Best you, you can be!
Be Respectful!
This year Dosbarth Oren will be using HWB as the basis of most of their ICT work. All pupils have had their usernames and passwords sent home in their homework books. Through HWB pupils will have access to MS Office and Google suite as well as many other programs. Pupils can use the link below to access HWB from home.
PE will be every Wednesday afternoon. Pupils are asked to wear their PE kit to school to avoid changing in class. This Kit will be worn all day and no need for separate uniform.
Daily Activities
Reading - We would encourage children to read 5 minutes at home daily. Your child is encouraged to update their reading record. Reading books should be brought to school daily.
Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress have been purchased by the school to help with improving reading. You can download the reading eggs app on tablet, or follow the link below.
Spelling - tests and new spelling rules are taught every Thursday. Pupils have been given homework books where they can stick their new words each week. I ask that pupils practice their spelling words by writing them in sentences in their homework book each week.
Please can you help your child practise their times tables. In year 5 the focus is 6, 8 and 9 timetables, but a strong grasp of all times tables would help in their everyday Maths lessons.
Mathletics is also a great way for pupils to practise their basic maths skills and is available for pupils to access at home either via the app or by following the link below.
Here's a little help with that tricky Big Maths division. And below are some examples of our CLIC tests.